Saturday, July 27, 2024

What’s Stopping You From Manifesting Money?

July 15, 2011 by  
Filed under Attracting Money

Years ago I worked 2 full time jobs and a part time job, my wife was working full-time and we had 2 children we were trying to raise. No matter how hard we worked or how much money we made it never seemed to be enough. We never seemed to get ahead and things just kept going downhill.

We started noticing that we seemed to attract the same type of friends, those with no money, no future and little ambition. While we seemed to know that at some point our future would brighten we just weren’t sure when or how this would happen. We didn’t think we were better than others, just knew we wanted more in life.

I finally decided that while working hard, VERY hard, no matter what I did it just wasn’t working, that is when I started READING! Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, I started talking to my wife about positive thinking, about getting what you want by changing your energy, by thinking differently, it has taken her literally YEARS to believe me, but she finally does because you know what? It worked!!! It has been working for over 11 years and will continue to work, this I am POSITIVE of!

Wanting money isn’t enough, visualizing it, dreaming about it, desiring it, they are all wonderful starts, but you have to put yourself in a situation to receive it also! Surrounding yourself with negative people, places, situations will block your energy flow and will just give you what you already have enough of, negativity and nothing!

Surround yourself with positive people, this isn’t saying to drop your current friends, just limit what you will and won’t let into your life, into your energy field. Don’t dwell on the past or even the present, push towards the future and encourage your friends to do the same!

With everyone on the same page, and all of the positive energy bursting forth into the universe you will achieve what you want, you will get the money you desire.

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